First Presbyterian Church
The Chancel Choir assists in leading worship each Sunday and at special services such as Christmas Eve.
The group rehearses twice weekly; Wednesdays at 3 p.m. and Sunday mornings at 9 a.m.
We are always looking for new members; if you are interested in singing with the choir, please contact Denise Shaffer, Choir Director, at, or 585-245-2006.
A two-octave set of Schulmerich handbells was purchased in the 1990s, and a significant number of people have participated in the choir since that time.
Over the intervening years, a two-octave set of hand chimes was purchased, expressly for the use of children interested in participating in the music of the church, and an additional two octaves of handbells were purchased in the early 2000s, giving the group a total of four octaves of handbells and access to a wide range of handbell music.
The handbells play monthly in church, and occasionally accompany the Chancel Choir on special anthems. It is not necessary to read music to be able to play with the Bell Choir, but it is important to be able to count, and to commit time for practice sessions with the entire group.
If you are interested in playing handbells, please contact Denise Shaffer, Choir Director, at, or 585-245-2006.
We enjoy Cantatas. Recently our Chancel Choir, Director of Choirs, and Organist led us in worship with the Cantata “The Winter Rose” by Joseph M. Martin. The Cantata tells the story of the life of Christ, from prophesy to the passion.
Portions of Handel’s Messiah have been performed during worship at various times over the years. The full Handel’s Messiah was recently performed by our chancel choir, Director of Choirs, and Organist.
We are joyful when our children offer gifts of music during worship. Bells, ukuleles, violins, flutes, trumpets, the piano and beautiful voices are among the talents our children share with us.
Guest musicians frequently lend their talents to our worship music. We’ve enjoyed guest vocalists, guitars, trombones, trumpets, flutes, clarinets, violins, and many more!